Get ready for bamBLOOZled, happening October 13-15, 2017! Please login or register if this is your first time signing up for one of our events. Once your account is created we can process your event registration.
There are three tiers available: On A Budget ($95), Regular Price ($135), and Benefactor ($165). We make our event as affordable as possible while still paying our incredible talent, so please pay the Regular Price if you're able. You can help supplement those in the On A Budget tier by selecting the Benefactor Tier.
And please note all three sections below: Register, Housing, and Food. It's vital for our planning that we know your dietary restrictions (or even that you might not have any). So, please take an extra minute to fill out the Food form and why not sign up for Housing or to Host while you're at it.
So, pretty please with a cherry on top:
- Sign up for housing by clicking on the Housing tab
- Let us know your dietary restrictions on the Food tab