Flouer Evelyn

Special Workshop Classes w/ Flouer Evelyn!

Mark your calendars for December 5th & 8th!

Our special guest instructor Flouer Evelyn will get a chance to share several different branches of the Family Tree, each class catering to the needs of the students present. This will give a well-rounded look at the different types of vocabulary important to Blues Dancing, helping dancers both clarify the vocab they know and learn new important movements.

Bio at https://flouerdances.com/

Thursday Dec 5, 7pm:
Blues Family Tree (Part 1)
Over many years, Flouer has developed a blues dance curriculum centered on teaching core movements through what she calls the “Family Tree.” The tree consists of six branches of related movements that help dancers understand how to link movements together, making their dancing more precise and creative. In this class, we’ll explore one or two of these branches, learning them first solo and then in partnership.

Sunday Dec 8, 12:30-1:45, Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom:
Blues Family Tree (Part 2)
(You do not need to take part 1 prior to taking this class!)
Over many years, Flouer has developed a blues dance curriculum centered on teaching core movements through what she calls the “Family Tree.” The tree consists of six branches of related movements that help dancers understand how to link movements together, making their dancing more precise and creative. In this class, we’ll explore one or two of these branches, learning them first solo and then in partnership.

Sunday Dec 8, 2-3:30, Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom:
Keep Up as We Speed it Up!
Once the party gets going and the music speeds up, we have to learn how to keep up! This is especially true for dancing to excellent live musicians. We'll talk a lot about how faster doesn't mean hectic, we can keep our "cool" aesthetic, as well as loosen our joints to create more natural internal rhythms. We might throw in some Struttin' or Boogie Woogie blues as well, to cover the different sounds we hear with faster blues music.

Bio at https://flouerdances.com/